Friday, October 31, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 11 - Camera Ready
If you are using a 35mm camera then start buying rolls of film.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 10 - Shopping Budget
The sooner you mail packages the less money you will have to pay because you can use the longer shipping method.
Shop using the Internet, catalogs, &/or TV. In today's world you can buy everything from groceries to Christmas trees, from greenery to gifts via these methods. Shop early to avoid having to pay expedited shipping charges. Be sure to search out coupons, deals of the day, and sales to make your shopping dollar go even further.
November Celebrations
American Diabetes Month
American Heritage Month
American Indian Heritage Month
Anything Can Happen Month
Aviation Month
British Appreciation
Celebrate Empty Nester Month
Child Safety and Protection Month
Chrysanthemum Month
Diabetic Eye Disease Month
Drum Month
Epilepsy Awareness Month
Family Stories Month
Freezing Weather Month
Good Nutrition Month
Hunger Awareness Month
I Am So Thankful Month
International Creative Child and Adult Month
International Drum (Percussion) Month
International Microfinance Month
Latin American Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
MADD's Tie One On for Safety Holiday Campaign
Military Family Appreciation Month
Model Railroad Month
Music Month
National Adoption Month
National AIDs Awareness Month
National Alzheimer's Disease Month
National American Indian Heritage Month
National Author's Day Month
National Christmas Seal Month
National COPD Awareness
National Diabetes Awareness Month
National Epilepsy Month
National Family Caregiver Month
National Family Literacy Month
National Georgia Pecan Month
National Healthy Skin Month
National Home Care & Hospice Month
National Hospice Month
National Impotency Month
National Inspirational Role Models Month
National Life Writing Month
National Marrow Awareness Month
National Model Railroad Month
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
National Pepper Month
National Pomegranate Month
National Raisin Bread Month
National Red Ribbon Month
National Run Away Prevention Month
National Sleep Comfort Month
National Stamp Collecting
November Flower
Peanut Butter Lover's Month
Prematurity Awareness Month
Real Jewelry Month
Sleep Comfort Month
Vegan Month
November Weekly Celebrations
Autumn - Sept. 23- Dec. 21
Kids Goals Education Week - Week One
National Card & Letter Writing Week - Week One
National Chemistry Week - Week One
National Fig Week - Week One
National Health Information Week - Week One
National Split Pea Soup Week - Week One
Notary Public Week - Week One
Pursuit of Happiness Week - Week One
World Communication Week - Week One
American Education Week - Week Two
Dear Santa Letter Week - Nov. 5-9
French Conversation Week - Nov. 5-11
Kids' Goal Setting Week - Nov. 6-10
National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week - Nov. 7-13
National Farm Week - Week Two
Nurse Practitioner Week - Nov. 5-11
Pursuit of Happiness Week: Nov. 8-14
Random Acts of Kindness Week - Week Two
World Kindness Week - Nov. 7-13
Children's Book Week - Nov. 13-19
Green Ribbon Awareness Week - Nov. 11-17
Home Care Aide Week - Nov. 13-19
National Bible Week - Week Three
National Children's Book Week - Week Three
National Farm-City Week - Nov. 17-23
National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week - Nov. 12-18
Operating Room Nurse Week - Week Three
2002 National Farm-City- Week Four
Better Conversation Week - Nov. 20-26
National Adoption Week - Week Four
National Bible Week - Nov. 19-26
National Cookie Week - Week Four
National Family Caregivers Week - Week Four
National Family Week - Nov. 19-25
National Game & Puzzle Week - Nov. 19-25
National Home Care Week - Week Four
Travelers with Disabilities Awareness Week - Nov. 26-Dec. 3
November Daily Celebrations
1- All Saints Day
1- Cake Appreciation Day
1- Cider Day
1- Day of the Dead
1- Electric Light Bulb Patented (1879)
1- Hello Kitty's Birthday
1- International Coaches Day
1- Kite Festival (Guatemala)
1- National Author's Day
1- National Family Literacy Day
1- No Driving with Cellphones Day (NYC Law 2001.)
1- Nutty Pecan Day
1- Play a Game of Chess Day
1- Snug Hugs For Kids Day
1- World Community Day
1- World Vegan Day
2- Admission Day (North Dakota)
2- All Souls' Day
2- Broadcast Radio's Birthday
2- Cookie Monster's Birthday
2- Daniel Boone's Birthday
2- Deviled Egg Day
2- Hug-A-Bear Sunday
2- National Deviled Egg Day
2- National Men Make Dinner Day
2- National Publishers Day
2- National Traffic Directors Day
2- Piggy Bank Day
2- Plan Your Epitaph Day
2- Practice Being Psychic Day
3- Celebration of Lights (Kentucky)
3- Cliché Day
3- Give Someone a Dollar Today Day
3- Housewife's Day
3- National Housewife's Day
3- Peanut Festival (Alabama)
3- Public Television Birthday (1969)
3- Sadie Hawkins Day
3- Sandwich Day
3- Tunnel Day
3- World Community Day
4- Book Lover's Day
4- Candy Day
4- Cash Register Birthday (1880)
4- Deer Festival (Georgia)
4- Drum, Dance & Pray for Peace Day
4- First Wagon Train reached California
4- Giant Omelette Celebration (Louisiana)
4- King Tut Day
4- Mule Day (Georgia)
4- National Candy Month
4- National Chicken Lady Day
4- Peanut Butter Lover's Day
4- Sadie Hawkins Day
5- Commercial TV Broadcast Day (1930)
5- Doughnut Day
5- Electric Shaver Birthday (1923)
5- FM Stereo Birthday (1933)
5- Full Moon Day
5- Guru Nanak's Birthday
5- Guy Fawkes Day (Canada)
5- Bonfire Night (Canada)
5- Hug-a-Bear Sunday
5- National Donut day
6- Basketball Day
6- Halfway Point of Autumn
6- I Love Nachos Day
6- International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
6- Marching Band Day
6- Peanut Butter Lover's Day
6- Saxophone Day
7- Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
7- Election Day
7- Hug-a-Bear Day
7- Little League Girls Day (In 1973, New Jersey became the first state to allow girls to play Little League baseball.)
7- Magazine Day
7- National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day
7- Notary Public Day
7- Republican Elephant Day
8- Abet and Aid Punsters Day
8- Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day
8- Dunce Day
8- Harvey Wallbanger Day
8- I Hate to Cook Day
8- Mariachi Night (California)
8- National Parents As Teachers Day
8- Parents as Teachers Day
8- X-ray Day (The day X-ray was discovered.)
9- Christmas Stroll (Indiana)
9- Go To An Art Museum Today Day
9- Kristallnacht
9- Louie Louie Day
9- National Child Safety Council Birthday
9- National Scrapple Day
9- National Young Readers Day
9- Neon Sign Birthday (1911)
9- Parade Day
9- Return Day
9- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day
10- Area Codes Birthday (1951)
10- Forget Me Not Day
10- Headache Day
10- Kristallnacht
10- Marine Corps Birthday (1775)
10- Motorcycle Birthday (1885)
10- Toothpaste Day
10- USMC Birthday
10- Vanilla Cupcake Day
10-12- Great American Warm-up Days
10-12- National Donor Sabbath Days
11- Air Day
11- National Vanilla Cupcake Day
11- Ones Day
11- Remembrance Day (Canada)
11- Route 66 Birthday (1926)
11- Sesame Street Birthday (Debuted 1969.)
11- Sundae Day
11- Veteran's Day
11- Veterans Day Parade (Alabama)
12- Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
12- Festival of Trees (Virginia)
12- Happy Hour Birthday (1745)
12- I Need a Patch for That Day
12- Mellow Yellow Day
12- National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day
12- National Sundae Day
12- Pizza But No Anchovies Day
12- Remembrance Sunday (UK)
12- Song of the South Birthday (1946)
12- The Birth of Bahaullah
13- Actor's Day
13- Artificial Snow Birthday (1946)
13- Fantasia Birthday (1940)
13- Gingerbread House Day
13- Holland Tunnel Birthday (1927)
13- National Community Education Day
13- National Indian Pudding Day
13- National Mom's and Dad's Day
13- Start-a-Rumor Day
13- World Kindness Day
14- Blood Transfusion Birthday (1666)
14- Guacamole Day
14- India Children's Day
14- Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
14- Moby Dick's Birthday (1851)
14- Monet Day
14- National American Teddy Bear Day
14- National Educational Support Personnel Day
14- National Young Reader's Day
14- Operation Room Nurse Day
14- Pickle Appreciation Day
14- Prince Charles' Birthday (1948)
14- School Pride Day
14- Spicey Guacamole Day
14- World Diabetes Day
15- America Recycles Day
15- American Enterprise Day
15- Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
15- George Spelvin Day
15- Godiva Chocolates in America Day (1966)
15- I Love to Write Day
15- Little Red Wagon Day
15- National Clean out your Refrigerator Day
15- National Educational Support Professionals Day
15- Nativity Fast
15- NBC Radio Birthday (1926)
15- Pack Your Mom's Lunch Day
15- Pikes Peak Day
15- Shichi-Go-San (Japan)
15- Unemployment Check Birthday (1939)
16- Button Day
16- Great American Smokeout
16- International Day for Tolerance
16- Luke and Laura's Wedding (Genera Hospital 1981.)
16- National Fast Food Day
16- National Great American Smoke Out Day
16- Touch-Tone Telephone Birthday (1963)
17- Birth of the Blues Day
17- Fast for a World Harvest Day
17- Homemade Bread Day
17- International Day for Tolerance
17- National Family Volunteer Day
17- National Farm Joke Day
17- Take a Hike Day
17- The Little Mermaid Day (1989)
17- World Peace Day
18- Buffalo on the Block Day
18- Calvin & Hobbes Birthdays (1985)
18- Festival of Lights (Louisiana)
18- Married to a Scorpio Support Day
18- Mickey Mouse's Birthday (1928)
18- Moms and Dads Day
18- Mother Goose Parade
18- National Family Volunteer Day
18- Push-button Phone Day
18- Superman Death Anniversary (1992)
18- Teddy Bear Birthday (1902)
18- William Tell Day
19- Doo Dah Parade (California)
19- Gettysburg Address Delivered (1863)
19- Have a Bad Day, Day
19- International Pickle Festival (New York)
19- Little Red-Haired Girl's Birthday (Peanuts Character 1961.)
19- National Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day
19- National Educational Support Personnel Day
19- Pencil Day
19- Play Monopoly Day
19- Pop Tarts Birthday (1965)
19- Remembrance Day
19- U.S. Marine Corps Day
20- Absurdity Day
20- African Industrialization Day
20- Air Your Dirty Laundry Day
20- Automatic Traffic Light Birthday (1923)
20- Future Teachers of America Day
20- Name Your PC Day
20- National Military Families Recognition Day
20- National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
20- Peanut Butter Fudge Day
20- Traffic Light Day
20- Transgender Day of Remembrance
20- Universal Children's Day
21- Human Cannonball Birthday (1871)
21- National Stuffing Day
21- Pumpkin Pie Day
21- Tweety Bird's Birthday
21- World Hello Day
21- World Television Day
22- Beauty and the Beast Birthday (1991)
22- Go For A Ride Day
22- Hockey Day
22- Humane Society Anniversary Day
22- Independence Day (Lebanon)
22- Nation of Islam Birthday (1930)
22- National Family Caregivers Day
22- Slumber Party Day
22- Start Your Own Country Day
22- Stop the Violence Day
22- Toy Story Birthday (1995)
22- What Do You Love About American Day
23- Birthday of the King of Horror
23- Color Photos Birthday (1863)
23- Eat a Cranberry Day
23- Jukebox Day
23- National Cashew Day
23- Pencil Sharpener Birthday (1897 )
23- Turkey Trot (Illinois)
24- Bible Sunday Day
24- Buy Nothing Day
24- Comedy Hall of Fame Birthday (1993)
24- D.B. Cooper Day
24- Death Comes to Sesame Street (In 1983, when the actor who played the kindly storekeeper Mr. Hooper on "Sesame Street" (Will Lee) died at age 74.)
24- Festival of Lights (Arizona)
24- Festival of Lights (Idaho)
24- Flossing Day
24- National Espresso Day
24- National Flossing Day
24- Parade of Lights and Winter Wonderland (California)
24- Softball Birthday (1887)
24- Turkey Leftovers Day
24- What Do You Love About America Day
24- You're Welcome Day
25- Aladdin's Birthday 1992
25- Alascattalo Day (Alaska)
25- Blasé Day
25- Buy Nothing Day (UK)
25- Christmas Tree Lighting (Kansas)
25- Department of Homeland Security Birthday
25- Don't Utter a Word Days
25- International Aura Awareness
25- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Day
25- Lighted Christmas Parade (New Mexico)
25- National Parfait Day
25- Saint Catherine's Day
25- Shopping Reminder Day
26- Charles Schulz's Birthday (1922)
26- College Fraternity Day
26- First Official Thanksgiving Day (1789)
26- Good Grief Day
26- John F. Kennedy Day (Massachusetts)
26- National Cake Day
27- Electric Guitar Day
27- Freckly Pride Day
27- Leftovers Day
27- National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
27- Pie-In-The-Face Day
27- Pins and Needles Day
27- Shakespeare's Wedding Day (1582)
27- Thanksgiving Day
27- Turtle Adoption Day
28- Auto Race Day
28- Black Friday
28- Camera Day
28- Mark Twain's Birthday (1835)
28- National French Toast Day
28- Red Planet Day
28- Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting Day
28- Skywriting Birthday (1922)
28- Throw Out Your Leftovers Day
29- Electronic Greetings Day
29- International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People
29- King Tut's Tomb Opened (1922)
29- National Chocolates Day
29- Newspaper Day
29- Square Dance Day
30- Clear Up the Clutter Day
30- Computer Security Day
30- Day of Friendship
30- Independence Day (Barbados)
30- National Mousse Day
30- Perpetual Youth Day (Dick Clark's Birthday)
30- Pirates in Paradise Festival (Florida)
30- St. Andrew's Day
30- Stay at Home Because You're Well Day
Christmas Tip of the Day #30
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 9 - General Budgeting
Budget is a word many people want to forget at Christmas-time, but it is an important part of our holiday celebration.
To come up with a realistic figure to work with for holiday shopping this year, crunch your numbers. Be realistic about the amount. Dave Ramsey recommends a plan that I have adapted where you write down all the different things you need to purchase for the Christmas season. Examples may include baking ingredients, photographs, activities, charity donations, church donations, clothing, hostess gifts, decorations, postage,
Christmas cards, and gifts. Add any items items you normally spend money on during the holidays.
Gifts need a sheet all to itself. On your this page, break down the types of
gifts you give, such as, gifts for home, gifts for immediate family outside of home, gifts for extended family, stocking gifts, gifts for friends, gifts for teachers, gifts for church family, etc. This will help give you an idea of everyone you would like to give gifts so you can judge whom to cross off the gift list when money gets tight.
Now that you have your categories, divide up the amount of money you have to spend on Christmas and budget each section out. Your total budget has to match the CASH you have on hand.
Remember that you do not have to spend a lot of money to have a wonderful Christmas season— gifts come in many forms throughout the season.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 8 - Activity and Event Planning
Make a list of all of the places you are going, especially those places where you'll be expected to bring a dish. List each dish you will be making and gather all of the ingredients. Do you have everything you need? Do the shopping now (or schedule it now) for the missing ingredients so won't have to rush out at the last minute.
Are you hosting an event this year . . . a cookie exchange, an open house, a dinner? Plan your menu. Schedule your shopping, crafting, cooking, and baking days.
Remember no matter how big or small the activity or event mark it down on your calendar.
Activities play an important part of most people's holiday celebrations and traditions. In your Christmas Notebook, journal about the following:
- Write down all the holiday activities you and your family did last year. Be sure to include church, school, community, and family activities.
- What activities are a must for our family every year?
- Are there new activities that I would really like to do this year?
- Ask every member of your immediate family what their three favorite activities are during the Christmas season and write it in your notebook. Incorporate at least one thing from everyone's list into your holiday planning. Remember this is their Christmas too!
- What things from your childhood do you remember doing? Is this something you could do today?
These questions will help determine what activities to add to your calendar for this Christmas season.
Some ideas for activities at home:
Christmas Parties
Cookie Baking Night
Cookie Exchange
Movie Night
Gift Wrapping Night
Dinner with the Family
Christmas Pictures at Your House
Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Christmas Open House
Advent Activities
Pot Luck Christmas Meal
Christmas Caroling
Plus many more . . .
Christmas Tip of the Day #28
Monday, October 27, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 7 - Cards, Cards, Cards
Next, rate the people on your card list:
A = have to send
B = want to send
C = would like to send
Then, go around your house with a basket and gather up all of your address books, old Christmas card envelopes, scraps of paper, etc., to get the addresses for your cards. Transfer the updated addresses to your address system (whether it be a computer address book, file cards, or hand-written address book).
When making or addressing your cards you will start with group A. If you have time during the Christmas season, then move on to group B and then group C.
If you decide to hand-make your cards, create a card now to see how time-consuming the individual cards are and to see if you have the supplies you need. If you are buying your cards, purchase them this week.
If creating your own cards, determine how many you need (see above) and what date you want to have all your cards mailed. Remember that cards going overseas need mailed 1 to 2 weeks earlier to arrive in time for Christmas. Divide the number of cards needed by how many weeks are left (depending on your own personal due date). For example, if mailing on December 6th you have 4 weeks (from today) to create your cards, so each week you should be creating 50 cards if you are mailing 200 cards total. This means each day you should create 7-8 cards.
Use the same formula above to determine how many cards need addressed and stamped each day.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/26/08
~~ George F. McDougall ~~
Christmas Superstitions
To have good health throughout the next year, eat an apple on Christmas Eve.
Eat plum pudding on Christmas Day to avoid losing a friend before next Christmas.
they take a fir stick and thrust it into the fire and let it burn partially. They put it under the bed. This serves as lightening protection.
you should burn your old shoes during the Christmas season to prevent misfortunes in the coming year.
Kreative Blog

Thanks, Carrie, so much for the surprise and honor.
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 6 - December Dinners
Personally, I like to do batch cooking in order to prepare myself for the Christmas season. Beginning in the fall, I double dinner for a month or so in order to fill up my freezer. Then I have all my meals planned out so I am not slaving away in the kitchen while everyone else watches the beginning to my favorite Christmas movie(s). Not only does planning your meals save you time cooking but also can help you save money.
Some great sites for freezer cooking/batch cooking information and recipes:
Ellen's Kitchen -
Feed the Freezer -
Robbyn's Friendly Freezer -
Small Notebook -
Wise Bread -
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/25/08
~~ The Grinch, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas ~~
Christmas Movies

Want to understand the philosophical meaning of Christmas?
Need to know what Christmas is all about?
Check out these meditative, inspiring short movies.
This is one very profound "Silent Night."
This one is about reflecting upon the "Christmas Season."
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 5- Start Planning
Write up the gift list. Write every family, friend, colleague, group you purchase for. This includes your children, spouse, children's class mates, swaps, etc. Write down any ideas you have for gifts. If you have already bought gifts get them written down in your notebook now.
If creating your own wrapping paper, get the all the supplies bought such as ribbon/twine, Kraft paper, stamps, stickers, etc.
If creating your own cards and tags, get all the supplies bought such as cardstock, stickers, embellishments, stamps, ink, etc.
Name That Christmas Tune

Post your answers on your blog then share the link below via Mr. Linky.
Everyone who gets all the correct song titles will have their name entered for a small Christmas goodie package.
- SN
- SB
- JB
- AF
- OT
- WC
- WW
- FN
- WC
The answers will be shared later this week.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 4 - Create Christmas Calendar
Your Christmas Calendar will serve as your road map for the upcoming season. Add the calendar pages to your Christmas Notebook.
The calendar is one of the most important aspects of holiday planning. There are many Internet sites (see bottom of post) that have free calendar programs where you can print customized calendars. Or you can create your own calendar. Make the squares for each day are big enough to add comments and events.
Print out a monthly calendar for each month, October through January. Its easier if you do one month per page so you have lots of writing room. What kind of grid/calendar you use is based solely on personal preference.
Input birthdays, anniversaries, school events, lay-a-way payment due dates, holiday break for the kids, parties you plan on attending, the date of the annual Open House, the date of the Cookie Exchange, and days off from work.
You need to schedule time on your calendar to work on projects. Make a list of all the things that need to be done during the Christmas season and make sure they get a date on your calendar not only to work on it but also for completion. Mark the due date for these projects. Add baking time, crafting time, and shopping time. Don't forget to add time for wrapping gifts because that is a big project. Other projects may include decorating your tree, making and mailing Christmas cards, mailing Christmas packages, due date for the Angel Tree gifts, getting annual Christmas photographs taken, etc.
There is one thing you should not over look in order to help your stress during this Christmas season - you must actually do what is on your calendar! Even by accomplishing one or two of your tasks on your calendar will help lessen the stress of the holiday.
Below are various free printable calendar pages:
Christmas Tip of the Day #24
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 3 - Create Christmas Organization Notebook
A Christmas Organization Notebook can be whatever kind of notebook you would prefer. Ideas include index card file box, recipe file box, file box w/ folders, magazine holder w/ folders, 3-ring binder, "old-fashioned school" notebook, composition book, or a portfolio. I like a 3-ring binder because I can easily add papers and items as needed.
Your Christmas Notebook is the backbone of your organization for the holiday season.
It is highly recommend that you use both your computer and a three ring binder to create your notebook. Use the computer to sort through your ideas, lists, etc., and then print them out and put the pages into your binder.
Everyone's notebook will be different because everyone has their own traditions and celebrations during the holiday season. What I share is based on using a 3-ring binder because that is what I use. Use what works for you.
Things needed for your notebook:
3-ring binder
3 hole punch
Dividers with tabs
Pockets/page protectors/envelopes for loose items such as receipts
Notebook paper
Zippered pouch/page protector to hold pens, pencils and other loose items Calendar
Label the dividers. Your list may look like this. Make the dividers to fit your needs.
- Gifts - gift lists
- Cards - annual card mailing list, copy of cards sent each year
- Decorations - blue prints of each room so you can plan where to put each tree
- Calendar - mark parties planning on attending, schedule baking and crafting times
- Menu - what are you cooking for Thanksgiving, what snacks will you have for the annual Open House
- Kids Activities
- Shopping Lists
- Inventory - where are all the decorations stored
Christmas Tip of the Day #23
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 2 - Create Christmas Organization Center
A "center" can be a basket, magazine holder, corner of the kitchen counter, corner of the desk, part of the shelf on the bookshelf, in the cabinet under the TV, the kitchen drawer . . . wherever you want to put your center.
Step 1:
Gather the supplies you will need for your Christmas Center. Most people will include the following items in their center:
- Christmas Handbook (more about this tomorrow).
- Writing supplies - pen, pencil, highlighter, sticky notes, page markers, etc. You won't have to to hunt for them later when you need them.
- Books and magazines - books that you want to go through to see/to find projects or recipes you can use for your holiday planning this year.
- Current projects, whether you are working on addressing Christmas Cards or crocheting a dishrag or scrapbooking a mini album or painting ornaments, keep it in your center so you can work on the projects whenever you have a few minutes to work on it.
Step 2:
Decide whether your center needs to be portable or not. If you want it to be portable, find a basket, crate, tote bag, etc., that will hold all your items in it. You now have a portable Christmas Organizing Center.
Step 3:
Now add those extra touches to your center -- a Christmas candle, some candy canes, Christmas CD, pictures of your family at Christmas, a Bible, etc. -- to personalize your center.
13 Days of Halloween

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 1 - Get Ideas
There are many links found throughout the Internet for getting organized for Christmas. Here are some links to surf to jumpstart your creativity.
Celebrating Christmas
Christmas Countdown
Christmas Organizing
Holiday Countdown
Holiday Grand Plan
Organized Christmas
Rudolph Club
Check the links, do your own online search, and get some ideas. Don't worry about doing anything beyond getting ideas and thinking about your goals for this Christmas season.
I, personally, have altered several of the plans (mentioned above) together to make a plan that works for me. The goal is to modify and adjust the plan to fit YOU.
Christmas Tip of the Day #21
Monday, October 20, 2008
Get Organized Now for Christmas
Are you new to the idea of getting organized for Christmas? Have you put things off and need to get on track for this Christmas? This is not a Christmas countdown to Christmas day but rather an express plan to go over the 25 main steps of Christmas organizing to help you to have an organized Christmas season.
The Get Organized Now for Christmas plan is designed to in late October and continue for 25 days. This plan will allow you to enjoy the Christmas season.
Christmas Tip of the Day #20
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Christmas Tip of the Day #19
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/19/08
~~ Donald Westlake ~~
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Christmas Tip of the Day #18
Friday, October 17, 2008
Christmas Tip of the Day #17
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/17/08
~~ Author Unknown ~~
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Christmas Tip of the Day #16
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/16/08
~~ Fred Gailey, Miracle on 34th Street 1947 ~~
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/14/08
~~ Hugh Downs, American newscaster ~~
Monday, October 13, 2008
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/13/08
~~ Bing Crosby (1904-1977), American singer and film actor ~~
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/11/08
~~ Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985), English novelist ~~
Christmas Tip of the Day #11
Friday, October 10, 2008
Christmas Tip of the Day #10
Christmas Thought of the Day - 10/10/08
~~ Peg Bracken ~~