365 Days of Christmas is keeping the spirit alive
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 6 - December Dinners

Whether you choose to eat out a different restaurant every night in December, a sit down meal each night or something in between, it is important to plan. During this holiday season, you will need to come up with between 30 and 37 different meals. It does not mean it has to be meals that you cook yourself. You do need to list what is for dinner each night on your calendar, whether you go out to eat or dine in.

Personally, I like to do batch cooking in order to prepare myself for the Christmas season. Beginning in the fall, I double dinner for a month or so in order to fill up my freezer. Then I have all my meals planned out so I am not slaving away in the kitchen while everyone else watches the beginning to my favorite Christmas movie(s). Not only does planning your meals save you time cooking but also can help you save money.

Some great sites for freezer cooking/batch cooking information and recipes:
Ellen's Kitchen - http://www.ellenskitchen.com/bigpots/index.html
Feed the Freezer - http://organizedhome.com/freezer-cooking-guide
Robbyn's Friendly Freezer - http://snider.mardox.com/OAMC.htm
Small Notebook - http://smallnotebook.org/2008/08/08/batch-cooking-a-collection-of-tips/
Wise Bread - http://www.wisebread.com/assembly-cooking-for-newbies

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